Someone asked if she was actually female, because he had heard that orange cats can only be male. Yes, the orange coloration is on the X chromosone, so if you have a solidly-orange cat, no other color, that's male. But you will notice she's got some white in there as well; she's a Creamsicle.
Looks like ya got a little something on your carpet there.
She is adorable! I've always wanted an orange kitten. She must be eating well, from the size of her belly.
the post was verbal ice cream to my brain but that picture is the cherry on top!
Aww, she did turn cute! Was it the power of the name you gave her?
Silly question, but why is the picture called Valencia?
She is too cute!
Because I had just written the blog and was thinking "Man, I should have named her Valencia", and then my fingers typed "Valenica". Mostly, because my brain is very, very small.
Very cute, you softy.
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm always open to learning something new)--but I thought orange cats were always male? The way calicos are always femaile? Have you thoroughly checked out those hind quarters?
Good job! Not a trace of ugly on that darling little creamsicle.
She is just darling.
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