Don't You Know Everyone Wants to Laugh
I want to thank everyone who participated in the Help Quinn Think of Something to Write tour. If I didn't get to your question, it wasn't personal. Trust me, I'll get to it the next time the muse sticks her fingers in her ears, hums, and refuses to play with me. I know what I'm writing next and this elates me.
One last question, because it was a question which comes up in some variation every few months. The ever-prolific Anonymous asked:
Would you ever act again? If so, is there a show you wish you were on?
I have learned in my life to never say never, if for no other reason than whatever I nevered, I end up doing in public within ninety days. So I'll say this; I cannot imagine the circumstances under which I would act again. This is good, because never once in the last decade has the entertainment industry been heard to bemoan the lack of actresses over forty. Now, admittedly, sometimes they bemoan the lack of actresses over forty who haven't injected botulism into their faces and actually can express an emotional state, but they are enough actresses who fit that description to fill the infinitesimal need the industry has.
I'll say this: in the world I cannot conceive of, the world in which I act again, I'd love to be on "Big Bang Theory." I think it's funny as all get out, the performances are terrific, it's got pleasing geek-cred (I know people who would actually understand those theorems they have scrawled on the white-board in the background of their apartment). But most of all, I babysat Simon Helberg (Wolowitz) when I was fourteen. Working with him would give me no end of joy.
One last question, because it was a question which comes up in some variation every few months. The ever-prolific Anonymous asked:
Would you ever act again? If so, is there a show you wish you were on?
I have learned in my life to never say never, if for no other reason than whatever I nevered, I end up doing in public within ninety days. So I'll say this; I cannot imagine the circumstances under which I would act again. This is good, because never once in the last decade has the entertainment industry been heard to bemoan the lack of actresses over forty. Now, admittedly, sometimes they bemoan the lack of actresses over forty who haven't injected botulism into their faces and actually can express an emotional state, but they are enough actresses who fit that description to fill the infinitesimal need the industry has.
I'll say this: in the world I cannot conceive of, the world in which I act again, I'd love to be on "Big Bang Theory." I think it's funny as all get out, the performances are terrific, it's got pleasing geek-cred (I know people who would actually understand those theorems they have scrawled on the white-board in the background of their apartment). But most of all, I babysat Simon Helberg (Wolowitz) when I was fourteen. Working with him would give me no end of joy.